The Lord turned to him and said, “Go in the strength you have and save Israel out of Midian’s hand. Am I not sending you?
— JUDGES 6:14
It is said, “There’s nothing stranger than people, but there’s nothing more important!”
Jesus understood that principle. He spent His life as “one who serves.” (Luke 22:27) He ministered to society’s outcasts. He sought out the one sheep that was lost while the other ninety–nine waited. (Luke 15:4–6)
Even on the cross Jesus wasn’t just thinking about the impact of His earthly ministry or tying up loose ends. He was busy forgiving the thief on an adjacent cross, asking His Father to forgive the men who crucified Him, and making sure His mother was taken care of after He went back to Heaven. So, was Jesus’ schedule less pressing than ours? Or did He know something we don’t?
Perhaps instead of working our busy calendars we should be more concerned with building relationships and pouring ourselves into the lives of those around us. Think of what could happen if, like Jesus, we made a conscious decision to invest our time and talent into the lives of twelve people.
The possibilities are mind–boggling! Perhaps we feel intimidated by the unknown or don’t feel qualified to help someone. But we shouldn’t let our vision of what’s possible to be limited by what we perceive as our own strengths and weaknesses. “With God’s power working in us, God can do much, much more than anything we can ask or imagine.” (Ephesians 3:20) Only one opinion matters—God’s.
He told Gideon, “Go in the strength you have and save Israel…Am I not sending you?”
Think and pray
The strength of the Sender, not the weaknesses of the one being sent, is what changes the odds and wins the day.
Lord, Your word tells me that Your grace is sufficient and that Your power is made perfect in my weakness. I commit myself to You today and invite You to use me to help someone else know You better, trusting that Your Spirit will empower me to do what You’ve called me to. Please overcome my hesitations and find me obedient and willing! Amen.
Dr. Joe Pettigrew served as a college Dean and professor of Leadership and Management prior to founding Leaderpoint Consulting where he worked with business leaders at more than half of the Fortune 500 companies. In 2007, Joe co-founded In The Zone Ministries that provides resources, events and daily devotionals to engage men and women in their local church and encourage them in their faith. Learn more at