But the ones that fell on the good ground are those who, having heard the word with a noble and good heart, keep it and bear fruit with patience. – LUKE 8:15
The parable of the sower is told in three of the Gospels. Each of these accounts explains why we must sow seeds to reap a harvest, but only Luke uses the phrase “bear fruit with patience.” As his account reminds us, “patience” is important to bearing fruit.
Jesus said that seeds that fall on “good ground” represent those people who, having heard the word, keep it. They know the Word. They don’t just talk about it or believe it. They act on it and put it into practice. They get results! They “bear fruit with patience.”
As this verse makes clear, to receive the fruit, we must be patient and remember that fruit can take time to grow. We cannot give up or be discouraged when we don’t see immediate results.
If you want to experience God’s richest blessings, remember the importance of “patience.” You must do your part. Be faithful. But you also must trust God through every situation and not give up. God will reward you if you keep sowing seeds into good ground, boldly believing in Him, and persisting in every situation.
Ask God to help you continue to believe His promises and put them into practice. Be steadfast in every situation. Do not waver from your commitment to God and the Gospel. Be faithful and don’t give up. Declare God’s Word to be true, and continue to be steadfast and patient.
Think and pray
What harvest are you patiently waiting to harvest? Have you sown seeds?
Jesus, give me both patience and persistence to share the hope of the gospel with the ones You put in my life. Let the seed find fertile soil in Your time, and may others come to know You as Savior! Amen.
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