Saul also went to his home at Gibeah, and with him went men of valor whose hearts God had touched. 1 SAMUEL 10:26

Valiant or villains?

Will we serve our King as valiant men of courage and determination whose hearts have been touched by God? Or will we be men who despise the King’s ways, act as scoundrels who lack appreciation and reject His leading?

The choice is ours.

We can live as men who have experienced the grace of God, who come to Him for strength, and who are confident in His faithful provision ... or we can live as men who follow our own way and undermine His leadership.

Will we be valiant men or villains in our quest for valor?

The men who followed King Saul, early in his reign, serve as a great reminder as to how we too will choose to serve our King. (1 Samuel 10:26)

Think and pray
valor: great courage in the face of danger, especially in battle.

Father, today I choose to stand firm on Your promises and live as a bold testimony of Your power to change hearts. Empower me to represent You well. Amen!

Ray Sanders is recognized as a passionate CEO, a leader of leaders, a white-board aficionado and an innovative growth strategist with a heart for purpose-driven cultures and values-based leadership development. He is CEO of Coaching Leaders and Edify Leaders, and a volunteer leader of CBMC’s Trusted Advisor Forum for solopreneurs in Oklahoma City. Catch his blog at