By Joe Pettigrew
All too often we have learned to give things to the ones we love in place of just spending time with them. The most valuable thing we have to give to each another are not things, but time. The reason time is so valuable is that once used we can never get it back. How many times have you said, “I wish I had more time, or I wish I had spent more time with them.”
Once everything is done and we come to the end of our walk, it won’t be things that are important to us, and it won’t be things that we will regret leaving. It will be family and friends, and the time we could have had that we will look back on with regret.
A famous Christian singer sang a song called “I Miss My Time with You.” It is a message from Jesus to His busy children, who are so busy doing that they don’t spend any time with Him. It seems that just like with our friends and family, we have learned to replace our time with God with doing things for Him. I believe what He wants is for us to have a personal, intimate relationship with Him…and that takes spending time with Him.
I heard about a little girl who loved her daddy so much she wanted to do something special for him for his birthday. She decided to make him a special gift. She went up to her bedroom every evening and worked until time for bed. The time that she sat in her father’s lap and talked simply disappeared. For days and days, she worked alone. Finally, she came down on his birthday and presented the unique gift to her father.
He loved it and was appreciative of the beautiful handmade gift. But he thought to himself, “How much more I would have valued her time just sitting in my lap and being with me than I value this gift.”
Think and Pray
Are you occupied elsewhere doing things “for” God, rather than spending time with Him? Jesus values the time you spend with Him far more than the things you do for Him. Maybe it’s time to take a little break— and talk to your best friend.
Lord, help me to recognize Your presence with me in each moment today and draw my heart toward Yours. Amen.
Joe Pettigrew is a respected authority on the issues affecting Christian businessmen and executives. He is an executive coach, professional speaker, and founder of Leaderpoint, an international leadership-coaching firm. He also serves as the President of In The Zone Ministries, and is the co-author of Living Life in the Zone: A 40-Day Spiritual Gameplan for Men.